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Machine Learning Foundations (Youtube Video in Mandarin)   www.youtube.com
Machine Learning Class (Slides in English & Video in Mandarin)   speech.ee.ntu.tw
Mind mapping software (Free)   xmind.net
Backup software (Free)   Syncbackfree
App Inventor Learning (Taiwan; Free)   appinventor.tw
MIT App Inventor, a blocks-based programming tool to build fully functional app for Android devices (Free)   appinventor.mit.edu
Cloud-based project scheduling (Free)   gantter.com
Linux OS (Free)   Ubuntu.com
Virtual machine platform (Free)   VirtualBox.org
Office Suite (Free)   LibreOffice.org
An organization with the agenda to make great ideas accessible and spark conversation   TED
Responsive HTML5 & CSS3 Site Templates (Free)   html5up.net
Markup Validation Service (Free)   validator.w3.org
PHP/HTML Program Editor (Free)   Editra.org
Mobile & Web Development/Production Server   www.zend.com
Virtual Hosting (Nice Price)   www.iSmile.com.tw
Open Source Blogging Tool (Free)   wordpress.org
FTP Solution (Free)   filezilla-project.org
IoT Articles @ IoT World Forum   www.iotwf.com/resources
Mind Mapping Tool on Android (Free)   SchematicMind

Interesting Objects

VMware vCloud Suite   www.vmware.com/products/vcloud-suite
Asus Cloud for Developers   creative.asuscloud.com
Crowd Funding Portal (Taiwan)   www.flyingv.cc
Acer BYOC, Build Your Own Cloud   www.acer.com/acercloud
Google Cloud Platform   cloud.google.com
Venture Capital (Taiwan)   appworks.tw
Crowd Funding Portal   www.kickstarter.com
Amazon Web Services (Free for 12-month with Free-Tier)   aws.amazon.com/free